Other flours

Flour is one of the most basic ingredients in the kitchen, as we use it both to make dough and desserts and to give consistency to certain dishes. We offer you different types of flour from organic farming.

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Precio base -30%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Carob powder

Algarroba en polvo procedente de agricultura ecológica. Ideal para la elaboración de postres o productos de pastelería....¡Ahora en envase compostable!

La Finestra sul Cielo


Tapioca flour

Harina de tapioca procedente de agricultura ecológica. Se obtiene a partir de triturar la raíz de la yuca. La harina resultante posteriormente se prensa, se seca y se envasa. 

Base price -10%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic power flour

A strong flour which, thanks to its high protein content, is used for the production of dough, special breads and sweets, with a long levitation process, such as panettone. It can also be used to reinforce other flours, making the dough more elastic. It is packaged in a protective atmosphere and the ingredients used in its production come from organic farming and are not used in any other way....

La Finestra sul Cielo


White wheat flour

White wheat flour from organic farming and packaged in a protected atmosphere. Ideal for the preparation of any recipe, whether sweet or savoury. ....

Base price -10%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour characterised by its high fibre content and its cereal-rich composition. Perfect for any sweet or savoury recipe....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Maize starch

Corn starch from organic farming. Ideal for thickening puddings, creams, sauces or soups. Can also be used to make desserts lighter and softer....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Almidón de tapioca bio

Descubre el nuevo almidón de tapioca. El almidón de tapioca se obtiene a partir del lavado de la raíz de yuca, posteriormente se tritura, se centrifuga y se separa el agua del almidón. Finalmente, el almidón se seca y se envasa. Ideal para preparar platos dulces y salados.

Base price -10%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Harina de coco BIO

Harina de coco 100% bio elaborada a partir de la trituración de la pulpa de coco, que posteriormente se seca, se le extrae el aceite y se muele. Finalmente se tamiza. Con un sabor y olor a coco muy característico, esta harina naturalmente libre de gluten, nos permite preparar tanto recetas dulces como saladas.

Base price -10%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic almond flour - 100% compostable

Almond flour from organic farming, made from the crushing of peeled nuts. Ideal for both sweet and savoury recipes....