Quinoa real con bebido vegetal

Ref: receta_49




  • 1 taza de quinoa real
  • 2 tazas de bebida de quinoa real y arroz
  • ½ taza de sirope de arroz
  • 2 ramitas de canela
  • 1 trozo de cáscara de naranja o limón
  • Coco rallado
  • Avellanas picadas


1.Hervir la quinoa real con la leche vegetal, el sirope, la canela, la piel de naranja o limón, el coco rallado y las avellanas picadas durante aproximadamente 25 minutos.

2.Si vemos que nos queda muy seco siempre podemos añadir más bebida vegetal Retirar y dejar enfriar. Decorar con las ramas de canela.

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

Royal Quinoa


Organic real quinoa white grain 100% Plastic free

The royal quinoa grain is the most premium quality variety of quinoa. It is grown near the world's largest salt desert, the Salar de Uyuni, which gives it superior nutrients and vitamins. It is also certified gluten-free and saponin-free. In 100% compostable packaging, to be recycled directly into the organic bin and returned to nature as compost.

Royal Quinoa


Organic real quinoa and rice drink

Exquisite and delicate real quinoa and rice drink made with organically grown ingredients. It is of 100% vegetable origin and its sweet taste is the result of the enzymatic transformation of the rice. It is a delicious variety that can be used for breakfast, desserts or on its own. Now with a 100% vegetable cap, made from sugar cane!

La Finestra sul Cielo


Rice syrup 400 gr

100% rice syrup from organic farming. Made using purified enzymes for the conversion of cereal starch into a simpler sugar. This system makes it possible to obtain a malt richer in simple sugars, making it possible to produce malts made from a single cereal. Ideal for sweetening infusions, teas or cereal coffees or for spreading on toast or toast....

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable organic shredded coconut

Grated coconut for desserts and pastries. Of organic origin, coconut is very rich in fibre and is a source of healthy fats. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all its nutrients. Gluten free, now in 100% compostable packaging!

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