Sautéed pasta with mushrooms and capers

Ref: receta_25



45 minutes







  • 250 g de penne de maíz y arroz sin gluten
  • 2 cebollas (cortadas a medias luna)
  • 2 dientes de ajo (picados finos)
  • 1 taza de champiñones o setas al gusto (cortados finos)
  • Perejil seco
  • Alcaparras
  • Tamari
  • Aceite extravirgen de oliva


1. Cocer la pasta con abundante agua hirviendo y una pizca de sal marina. Para el tiempo de cocción, seguir las instrucciones del envoltorio. Lavar la pasta con agua fría y escurrirla.

2. Saltear en una cazuela grande las cebollas, los ajos, los champiñones y el perejil con aceite y tamari durante 10 minutos

3. Finalmente añadir, la pasta, las alcaparras y unas gotas de tamari5. Mezclar bien y decorar con perejil

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Black Moose


Gluten-free corn and rice penne

Delicious and tasty gluten-free penne made with organic ingredients, grown in Northern Italy. Prepared with an ingenious processing technique that preserves a taste and texture similar to durum wheat pasta, but without gluten. Ideal for combining with an infinite number of sauces and condiments. ...

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Organic Tamari 250 ml

Tamari, made from soybeans and salt, is a dense, rich and full-flavoured product. Produced according to the best traditional method (fermenting for 18 months in wooden barrels), it is ideal for enriching and flavouring recipes based on cereals, pulses, vegetables, seaweed, rice, pasta or salads.....

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