Royal quinoa paella with tofu

Ref: receta_30



1 hour







  • 1 taza de grano blanco de Quinua Real
  • 2 cebollas cortadas en cuadritos,
  • 2 zanahorias cortadas en rodajas finas
  • 1/4 paquete de tofu ahumado cortado en cubos medianos
  • 1 pimiento rojo (asado, pelado y cortado en tiras finas)
  • Aceite extravirgen de oliva exprimido en frío
  • Sal marina
  • Cúrcuma
  • Laurel
  • Shoyu
  • Perejil fresco


1. Lavar la quinoa real, escurrirla y colocarla en una cazuela, junto con 2 tazas de agua, cúrcuma al gusto y una pizca de sal marina.Tapar y llevar a ebullición, reducir el fuego al mínimo y cocer durante 20 minutos

2. Sofreír en una cazuela grande y ancha las cebollas con aceite de oliva, el laurel y una pizca de sal marina, sin tapa y durante 10 minutos a fuego medio. Añadir las zanahorias y el tofu ahumado. Tapar y cocer 10 minutos, junto con unas gotas de salsa de soja

3. Añadir la quinoa real y el pimiento rojo. Mezclar con cuidado para no romper las verduras4. Servir con perejil fresco

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

Royal Quinoa


Organic royal quinoa grains 250g

The royal quinoa grain is the most premium quality variety of quinoa. It is grown near the world's largest salt desert, the Salar de Uyuni, which gives it superior nutrients and vitamins. It is also certified gluten-free and saponin-free. Format 250g. In 100% compostable packaging, to be recycled directly into the organic bin and returned to nature as compost.

La Finestra sul Cielo


Salsa de soja shoyu fermentada 250ml bio

Soy sauce made according to the best traditional method (fermenting for 18 months in wooden barrels). Ideal for recipes based on cereals, pulses, vegetables and seaweed. ...

Base price -10%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic gluten-free natural tofu

Food made from organic soya grown in Italy. Its high vegetable protein content makes it an essential product for those who have eliminated animal protein from their diet. With a unique taste and smoothness, this reference is a basic for its versatility in the kitchen: it combines well with stronger foods and also absorbs the flavour of the ingredients....

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