Tender jack toast

Ref: receta_153



30 minutes







4 tomates cherry

Aceite de coco virgen

Rebanadas de pan sin gluten 

5 champiñones cortados

Pickles de jengibre


1. Precalentamos el horno a 200°C.

2. Cocinamos el Tender Jack según las instrucciones del paquete y reservamos

3. Mientras tanto, cortamos cada rebanada de pan en partes iguales.

4. Tostamos ligeramente (5-6 minutos) todos los trozos de pan en el horno por ambos lados (200°C). Retiramos del horno y reservamos.

5. En una sartén antiadherente, vertemos un chorrito de aceite de coco virgen y doramos los champiñones junto con los tomates cherry.

6. Distribuimos la mezcla sobre las tostadas y coronamos con los pickles de jengibre.

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

La Finestra sul Cielo


Ginger pickle

Ginger pickles are made by fermenting spicy ginger root in rice vinegar, salt and shiso leaves. They are free of preservatives, artificial flavourings, colourings or sweeteners. ...


Tender Jack Barbecue flavour

Amazonia Tender Jack is obtained from the jackfruit tree, the jackfruit, a fruit native to tropical Asia. Jackfruit has a tender, meat-like consistency and a subtle flavour, which makes it extremely versatile and perfect in savoury dishes such as salads, burgers, tacos, pizzas and much more, in original flavour or with barbecue sauce. Amazonia Tender Jack is sourced from the Jackfruit tree which is organically grown in the abundant forests of Sri Lanka's "Land of Jackfruit". Amazonia Tender Jack is a source of dietary fibre and contains no artificial ingredients - discover the irresistible barbecue flavour!



Organic virgin coconut oil 225ml

Virgin coconut oil made only from organically grown coconuts from Sri Lanka. It is manufactured using extraction and cold-pressed methods, unrefined and unbleached so it retains all its beneficial properties unaltered. Cholesterol and trans fat free. Ideal for cooking, baking or as a substitute for butter or margarine.

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