Ramen with tofu

Ref: receta_307



1 hour







Bifun fideos de arroz

1 taza de caldo de verduras

2 dientes de ajo picados

1 raíz de jengibre fresca de 3 cm picada muy finamente

4 cebolletas frescas picadas con toda la parte verde

1 taza de bebida de soja o avena

1 tablespoon white miso

1 cucharada de shoyu

5 setas shiitake frescas cortadas en lonchas

1 puñado de hojas de col kale

1/2 cucharita de pimentón

1/2 cucharita de chili fresco picado

1 cucharada de Mirin

Tofu firme

Chickpea flour

Aceite de sésamo

Sal marina


2 cucharadas de gomasio súper algas


1. Cortamos el tofu en lonchas, las secamos con papel de cocina y las pasamos por harina de garbanzos o maíz. En una sartén con aceite de sésamo las freímos unos minutos por lado. Reservamos.2. A continuación sofreímos las setas shiitake cortadas en láminas gruesas, unos minutos con una cucharita de tamari. Reservamos.3. En una olla llevamos a hervir agua suficiente para cocinar los fideos.4. Nada más rompa a hervir, salamos y escaldamos las hojas de kale durante 1 minutos. Escurrimos y reservamos.5. En la misma agua cocinaremos los fideos según las indicaciones del paquete. Escurrimos, añadimos unas gotitas de aceites y mezclamos bien para evitar que se peguen.6. En una olla o wok vertemos dos cucharadas de aceite de sésamo y sofreímos el ajo picado junto con el jengibre y la cebolleta, unos minutos hasta que se doren.7. Añadir el chili y el pimentón y la pasta de miso blanco. Removemos y añadimos una cucharada de mirin, y de tamari. Rehogamos un minuto.8. Incorporar la bebida vegetal y el caldo. Llevar a hervir y cocinar unos minutos para que se espese un poco el caldo.9. Componemos el plato: En un bol servimos unas cucharadas de caldo, añadimos los fideos en el centro y complementamos todos los ingredientes que hemos preparado, el tofu, la kale, las setas y decoramos con gomasio de algas. Servimos calentito
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Emanuela Gornati

Coach y vegan chef


Empresaria, health Coach y vegan Chef, creadora del método Essenza
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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic Super Seaweed Gomasio

Gomasio made from three different species of seaweed (sea lettuce, nori and sweet seaweed) ideal for enriching cereal or vegetable dishes. Sprinkle directly on top of food. ...

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic gluten-free natural tofu

Food made from organic soya grown in Italy. Its high vegetable protein content makes it an essential product for those who have eliminated animal protein from their diet. With a unique taste and smoothness, this reference is a basic for its versatility in the kitchen: it combines well with stronger foods and also absorbs the flavour of the ingredients....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Bifun (rice noodles)

Traditional oriental rice spaghetti. Light and tasty, they are similar to Chinese noodles but are made with the care of Japanese quality. They are delicious with any seasoning, in salads and broth or "oriental" style: sautéed in a pan with a little oil, seasonal vegetables, tofu or seitan ....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic Instant Vegetable Bouillon Powder without Yeast

Instant vegetable broth powder made from organically grown ingredients. Yeast free and with extra virgin olive oil. Ideal to give a unique touch of flavour to any kind of dish.



Natural gluten-free soya drink

Vivibio gluten-free soya drink is made from 100% organic and plant-based ingredients. Low in saturated fat and high in protein, it is ideal to combine with your morning coffee or add to your smoothies. It contains no added sugars. ...

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic Rice Miso 300 gr

Miso is the result of a well-known maturing process, lasting about a year, of soybeans, salts and cereals in large cedar vats. This process gives rise to a dark and very tasty paste which is mainly used together with the stock cubes in the preparation of soups, sauces and various condiments. Rice miso, produced from soybeans, brown rice and salt, is a very tasty and...

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic Tamari 250 ml

Tamari, made from soybeans and salt, is a dense, rich and full-flavoured product. Produced according to the best traditional method (fermenting for 18 months in wooden barrels), it is ideal for enriching and flavouring recipes based on cereals, pulses, vegetables, seaweed, rice, pasta or salads.....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Mirin (rice wine) 250 ml

Mirin is a very sweet rice wine ideal for cooking seaweed and vegetables together with soy sauce. Ideal for sushi or to warm up a cold winter's day with a delicious punch-like drink. To make it, add mirin to boiling Mu tea. ...

La Finestra sul Cielo


Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour characterised by its high fibre content and its cereal-rich composition. Perfect for any sweet or savoury recipe....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic sesame seed oil

Oil obtained from polished, ground and cold-pressed organic sesame seeds. High in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ideal for cooking, salad dressings, sauces and soups. ....

La Finestra sul Cielo


Fine wholemeal sea salt

Fine whole sea salt produced in Italy (Sicily) following the traditional method used for thousands of years in Mediterranean countries. This method uses natural elements such as the sun and the wind that favour the evaporation of the sea water. Harvested by hand, unprocessed and without using any chemical treatment, it preserves all the natural characteristics and properties...

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