Gomoku con quinoa real y lentejas rojas

Ref: receta_162



25 minutos







  • 1 taza de grano quinoa real
  • 50 ml de caldo o agua
  • 1 pizca de sal
  • 100 g de lentejas rojas
  • 100 ml de agua
  • 1 trozo de jengibre fresco
  • ¼ de cebolla
  • 1 manojo de cilantro
  • 10 g de tofu fresco
  • 1 cucharadita de bicarbonato
  • Aceite de oliva extravirgen de oliva
  • 1 cucharada de chucrut


1.Hervir el caldo o el agua con una pizca de sal. Añadir el grano de quinoa real.

2.Hervir 5 minutos a fuego alto. Bajar el fuego y hervir 20 minutos más. Reservar.

3.Dejar en remojo las lentejas con agua y una pizca de sal durante 20 minutos aprox.

4.Tirar el agua del remojo de las lentejas, añadir un trozo de jengibre, la cebolla, el cilantro y el tofu. Triturarlo todo hasta conseguir una mezcla homogénea.

5.Rectificar de sal y añadir el bicarbonato.

6.Con una cuchara hacer forma de albóndiga. Freír en aceite caliente.

7.Servir el risotto de quinoa real junto a las albóndigas de lentejas y un poco de chucrut.

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

Royal Quinoa


Organic real quinoa white grain 100% Plastic free

The royal quinoa grain is the most premium quality variety of quinoa. It is grown near the world's largest salt desert, the Salar de Uyuni, which gives it superior nutrients and vitamins. It is also certified gluten-free and saponin-free. In 100% compostable packaging, to be recycled directly into the organic bin and returned to nature as compost.

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic Instant Vegetable Bouillon Powder without Yeast

Instant vegetable broth powder made from organically grown ingredients. Yeast free and with extra virgin olive oil. Ideal to give a unique touch of flavour to any kind of dish.

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable peeled red lentils

Peeled red lentils from organic farming. Exotic and tasty, this type of pulses are ideal to combine with cereals and pulses or to season with extra virgin olive oil, soy sauce or gomasio. They are a very complete nutritious food, very rich in fibre and with a high content of vegetable proteins. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all their nutrients, now in 100% compostable packaging!

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic gluten-free natural tofu

Food made from organic soya grown in Italy. Its high vegetable protein content makes it an essential product for those who have eliminated animal protein from their diet. With a unique taste and smoothness, this reference is a basic for its versatility in the kitchen: it combines well with stronger foods and also absorbs the flavour of the ingredients....



Demeter Organic Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut has multiple properties for our organism: it strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation levels and improves digestive disorders, as well as providing vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Made with ingredients from organic and biodynamic farming and certified with the Demeter seal. Suitable for a vegan and gluten-free diet.

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