Gluten-free toast with seeds and millet

Ref: receta_153



15 minutos







½ vaso de mijo pelado

1 glass of water

60 g de semillas de calabaza

60 g de semillas de girasol

60 g de semillas de lino

30 g de semillas de chía

30 g de sésamo negro

200 ml de agua

4 cdas. de harina de almendras

6 cdas. de harina de avena

1 cda. de orégano seco

1 cda. de albahaca seco

1 cda. de sal


1.Primero lava y escurre el mijo. Pon una cazuela al fuego con un poco de aceite y tuesta los granos un par de minutos.

2.Añade el agua y cuando rompa a hervir, tápalo y cuece a fuego lento durante unos 25 minutos. Debe quedarse sin agua. Apaga el fuego y deja reposar 5 minutos tapado.

3.Seguidamente mezcla en un bol las semillas, añade 200 ml de agua tibia y deja reposar 15 minutos mientras se acaba de cocer el mijo.

4.Incorpora el mijo, la harina de almendras, la harina de avena, la sal y las hierbas (orégano y albahaca). Mezcla todo bien hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.

5.Vierte la mitad de la mezcla sobre un trozo de papel vegetal. Coloca otro trozo encima y con un rodillo o botella extiende la masa hasta que tenga un grosor de unos 4 mm.

6.Retira el papel superior y pon la masa en una bandeja al horno precalentado a 190°C durante 25 minutos aproximadamente.

7.Saca del horno, espera a que enfríen y entonces córtalas en trozos con las manos. Guarda los crackers en un tarro hermético y así aguantarán crujientes un par de semanas.

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable peeled millet

Millet from organic farming, easy to digest and very energetic. It can be combined with vegetables, added to soups and salads or used as a substitute for pasta and rice. Vegetable burgers can also be prepared. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all its nutrients. Gluten free, now in 100% compostable packaging!

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable organic peeled pumpkin seeds

Peeled pumpkin seeds from organic farming. Rich in fatty acids, fibre and proteins, they are ideal to enrich any dish or to use in breads and biscuits. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all their nutrients. Gluten free, now in 100% compostable packaging!

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable organic peeled sunflower seeds

Peeled sunflower seeds from organic farming. Rich in fatty acids, they are ideal for enriching any type of dish or adding to bread and biscuits. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all their nutrients. Gluten free, now in 100% compostable packaging!

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable organic golden flax seeds

Golden flax seeds, source of Omega 3 from organic farming. Rich in fatty acids, proteins and fibre, they are ideal to enrich any type of dish or to add to breads and biscuits. Ground, they can be added to porridge, smoothies or vegetable yoghurts. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all their nutrients. Gluten free, now in 100% compostable packaging!

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% Compostable Organic Chia Seeds

Organic chia seeds. Considered a superfood, they are the vegetable with the highest Omega 3 content, as well as an excellent source of fibre, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and selenium. Ideal to add to salads, use as an ingredient for desserts and breads or to prepare smoothies.... Now in 100% compostable packaging!

Base price -10%

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic almond flour - 100% compostable

Almond flour from organic farming, made from the crushing of peeled nuts. Ideal for both sweet and savoury recipes....

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Wholemeal oat flour

Wholemeal oat flour from organic farming packaged in a protective atmosphere. Rich in cereals and fibre. Ideal for the preparation of any recipe, whether sweet or savoury. ....

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