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Finestra for future

  • This 2020 we have achieved...
    This 2020 we have achieved...
    2375 Visitas

    We started 2020 with very firm objectives. We were very clear that during the 365 days of the year we would work to contribute something to the environment, to animals and to people. The end of this peculiar year is approaching and we want to show you the changes we have been able to achieve and those we have not yet been able to solve. We will not stop fighting to achieve all the goals we have set ourselves.

  • Ideas for reusing glass bottles
    Ideas for reusing glass bottles
    2529 Visitas

    And now that I have finished the bottle, what do I do with it? Reuse it

  • 3 ways to practice responsible tourism
    3 ways to practice responsible tourism
    3025 Visitas

    Caring for the planet is a practice that we have to do all year round, being aware of the world around us and taking care of it is everyone's job. That's why during your holidays you should practice sustainable ways of travelling. We leave you with 3 very useful examples so that you have more ideas for responsible travel. There are more and more initiatives and companies that help to preserve the flora and fauna of their area through their business.

  • We have a responsibility as a company: to help the voiceless.
    We have a responsibility as a company: to help the voiceless.
    3776 Visitas

    Siguiendo con el proyecto Finestra for Future esta vez estrenamos una iniciativa junto a FAADA (Fundación para el Asesoramiento y Acción en Defensa de los Animales). Nos queremos sumar a la acción en defensa de los animales donando una parte de los beneficios de dos productos insignia de la Finestra sul Cielo al proyecto Nayati.

  • Our aim? To reduce our plastic packaging as much as possible.
    Our aim? To reduce our plastic packaging as much as possible.
    3936 Visitas

    This year we are launching the Finestra For Future project, an initiative with two objectives: to help the planet by collaborating with different organisations that care for it, such as FAADA and Reforesta, and to reduce our plastic packaging as much as possible.

  • Your orders plant trees
    Your orders plant trees
    3321 Visitas

    This year, as part of the Finestra for Future project, we are launching the project ''The change the planet needs''. An initiative that we have carried out together with the non-profit association Reforesta. The collaboration is part of the collaboration agreement between Reforesta and the Diputació de Barcelona for forest restoration projects in the network of Natural Parks.

  • La Finestra sul Cielo plants trees on Nature Day
    La Finestra sul Cielo plants trees on Nature Day
    2446 Visitas

    Coinciding with World Nature Day and as the first action of the project 'The change the planet needs'. The Finestra sul Cielo team travelled to the Parc Natural del Montnegre i el Corredor to volunteer to plant 60 trees and learn a little about the characteristics of the area.

  • La Finestra sul Cielo bets on the new generations
    La Finestra sul Cielo bets on the new generations
    2936 Visitas

    This year we want to support social and environmental projects to contribute to a positive impact on the world. We want to be the change the planet needs by helping people, animals and the environment.

  • Demeter Quality, what is it and what are its benefits?
    Demeter Quality, what is it and what are its benefits?
    4213 Visitas

    The Demeter certification is awarded to products that strictly follow the rules of biodynamic agriculture.

  • Voelkel, preserving traditional seeds since 1936
    Voelkel, preserving traditional seeds since 1936
    2680 Visitas

    For thousands of years, seeds have been the main source of cultivation of the plants from which we feed ourselves. Unfortunately, with the advance of technology, today ¾ of the traditional seed varieties no longer exist....

  • ¿Qué distingue los productos ecológicos de los convencionales?
    ¿Qué distingue los productos ecológicos de los convencionales?
    1659 Visitas

    Cada vez se habla más de volver a los orígenes y no hay nada que describa mejor estos orígenes que los productos ecológicos. En un momento en que la cultura del usar y tirar y la producción industrial en masa están completamente instauradas en nuestra sociedad, debemos poder tener alternativas más slow que ayuden a equilibrar los procesos de la naturaleza y tu propio bienestar.

  • ¿Cómo se reciclan los monomateriales?
    ¿Cómo se reciclan los monomateriales?
    1336 Visitas

    De media un consumidor deposita al año 18,8 kg de residuos en el contenedor amarillo, pero no todos los envases de este contenedor se pueden reciclar correctamente ya que la mayoría están compuestos por más de una materia, hecho que dificulta y hace más complejo el reciclaje.

Showing 1 to 12 of 18 (2 Pages)