Royal Quinoa with chickpeas and leeks

Ref: receta_24



45 minutes




Proteína vegetal



  • 1 taza de Quinua Real
  • 1 taza de garbanzos cocidos
  • 2 puerros (cortados a lo largo y lavados y cortados finos)
  • 3 c.s. de maíz
  • Olive oil
  • Shoyu
  • Comino


1. En una cazuela de doble fondo, saltear los puerros con unas gotas de aceite de oliva y una pizca de sal marina, sin tapa, durante 5-7 minutosLavar la quinoa real varias veces con agua fría y añadirla a los puerros, junto con el maíz, una pizca de comino y dos tazas de agua.

2. Llevar a ebullición, reducir el fuego al mínimo y cocer tapado durante 15 minutos.

3.Añadir los garbanzos cocidos, mezclar con cuidado y servir. Puede comerse frío o caliente.

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:

Royal Quinoa


Organic real quinoa white grain 100% Plastic free

The royal quinoa grain is the most premium quality variety of quinoa. It is grown near the world's largest salt desert, the Salar de Uyuni, which gives it superior nutrients and vitamins. It is also certified gluten-free and saponin-free. In 100% compostable packaging, to be recycled directly into the organic bin and returned to nature as compost.

La Finestra sul Cielo


100% compostable chickpeas

Chickpeas are one of the most nutritious pulses available, as they are very rich in protein and fibre. They also have an infinite number of uses, in soups, stews, as a garnish for dishes or combined with other pulses. From organic farming, they are also perfect for making chickpea flour or hummus. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all their nutrients. Gluten free, now in 100% compostable packaging!

La Finestra sul Cielo


Salsa de soja shoyu fermentada 250ml bio

Soy sauce made according to the best traditional method (fermenting for 18 months in wooden barrels). Ideal for recipes based on cereals, pulses, vegetables and seaweed. ...

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