Sopa fría de coco y zanahoria

Ref: receta_307



1 hour




Primer Plato



1 cucharada de aceite de coco virgen Cocomi

1 cebolla picada

3 dientes de ajo

1 cucharita de jengibre rallado

1 cucharada de curry

1 cucharada de cúrcuma

1 cucharada de pimienta

1 pizca de sal

2 patatas

3 zanahorias

330 ml de crema de coco Cocomi

330 ml de caldo de verduras

100gr de tofu


1.Calentar el aceite en una olla grande a fuego medio y agregar la cebolla, el ajo y el jengibre. Saltear unos minutos

2.Añadir el curry, la cúrcuma, la sal y la pimienta.

3.Sofreír toda la mezcla y introducir las patatas cortadas a dados, la crema de coco y el caldo.

4.Cocinar a fuego lento hasta que las patatas y las zanahorias estén tiernas.

5.Dejar enfriar y licuar hasta  que quede una textura cremosa.

6.Cortar el tofu en trozos pequeños y freír en la misma olla con aceite de coco hasta que quede dorado.

7.Decorar la sopa con el tofu, pipas de calabaza y germinados. 

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Buy the ingredients for this recipe:



Organic virgin coconut oil 225ml

Virgin coconut oil made only from organically grown coconuts from Sri Lanka. It is manufactured using extraction and cold-pressed methods, unrefined and unbleached so it retains all its beneficial properties unaltered. Cholesterol and trans fat free. Ideal for cooking, baking or as a substitute for butter or margarine.

La Finestra sul Cielo


Organic Turmeric powder

An orange-coloured culinary spice with a powerful aroma, ideal for accompanying vegetable dishes, cereals, vegan stews, rice dishes, etc. In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has been considered a stomach protector and a natural anti-inflammatory with a host of antioxidant properties. Now in glass packaging.



Organic coconut cream for cooking

Coconut cream for cocomi cooking made with organically grown ingredients. Ideal for adding flavour and creaminess to thai soups, desserts, smoothies and endless options. 100% vegan ...

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Organic Instant Vegetable Bouillon Powder without Yeast

Instant vegetable broth powder made from organically grown ingredients. Yeast free and with extra virgin olive oil. Ideal to give a unique touch of flavour to any kind of dish.

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Organic gluten-free natural tofu

Food made from organic soya grown in Italy. Its high vegetable protein content makes it an essential product for those who have eliminated animal protein from their diet. With a unique taste and smoothness, this reference is a basic for its versatility in the kitchen: it combines well with stronger foods and also absorbs the flavour of the ingredients....

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